Database Exercises
Sakila database/t3
- List all films (title) and their length.
- List the first and last names of actors in alphabetical order.
- Show all films with a rental duration greater than 5 days.
- Find all customers with the first name 'John'.
- Display all films (title) in the 'Action' category.
- List all actors and the films they appeared in.
- Display customers and the staff members assigned to them.
- List all categories and the number of films in each category.
- List all customers and their rentals.
- Display all film rentals, including customer names and film titles.
- Calculate the average rental duration of all films.
- Show the number of customers for each city.
- Count the number of films rented by each staff member.
- Count the number of rentals for each customer and order them in descending order.
- Display the average length of films in each category.
- Find films longer than the average film length.
- List customers who have not made any rentals.
- Find films with more than 5 copies available for rent.
- Show categories that have more than 30 films.
- List customers who have made more than 20 rentals.
- Add a new customer 'Jane Doe' to store 1.
- Update all films with a rental duration of more than 7 days to 7 days.
- Add a new film 'The Great Adventure' with a 3-day rental duration.
- Update a customer's address when they move to a new address.
- Delete customers who have made no rentals.
- List all films that do not belong to any category.
- Show the total rental revenue for each category.
- Calculate the total length of all films.
- List staff members who have handled at least one rental.
- Find customers who made a rental on a specific date (e.g., '2005-05-31').