Database Exercises

The aggregate functions are: sum, avg, min, max and count (and group_concat in MySQL).

Remember that if, you put regular fields and aggregate functions to SELECT statement, you should allways add GROUP BY statement to your code.
If you have to make some selections from your data, you have to options: WHERE and HAVING. They have a different meaning: WHERE is used before grouping and HAVING is used after grouping.

SERIE 1: Project database
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS / Project database
    Write Queries which,
  1. Shows maximum salary and minimum salary
  2. Shows the number of rows in project table
  3. Shows average of birthyears
  4. Shows the amount of persons which lives in Turku
  5. Shows sum of salary of persons which lives in Turku

    Write Queries which will retrieve below views. Notice the column headers

  6. +----------+-----------------+
    | city     | Sum of Salaries |
    | TURKU    |             127 |
    | HELSINKI |              75 |
    | TAMPERE  |              34 |
  7. +----------+------------------+
    | city     | Average Salaries |
    | TURKU    |            42.33 |
    | HELSINKI |            37.50 |
    | TAMPERE  |            34.00 |
  8. +------------+----------------+
    | id_project | SUM(work_hour) |
    |        101 |           1300 |
    |        102 |            700 |
    |        103 |            200 |
    |        104 |            900 |
  9. The same as above, but if Sum of hour is <500, project is not included in view
    | id_project | SUM(work_hour) |
    |        101 |           1300 |
    |        102 |            700 |
    |        104 |            900 |
  10. +----------+----------------------+
    | city     | person               |
    | HELSINKI | River,Simpson        |
    | TAMPERE  | Daniels              |
    | TURKU    | Morrison,Smith,Jones |
  11. +----------+---------------------+
    | place    | project             |
    | NULL     | Statistics          |
    | HELSINKI | Billing,Store       |
    | KUOPIO   | Customers           |
    | TURKU    | Bookkeeping,Selling |
SERIE 2: Library database
AGGREGATE FUNCTIONS / Library database
    Write Queries which,
  1. Show author and the amount of books of that author
  2. Show author and the names of the books made by that author the result should be like this
    | author   | books                                              |
    | Albrecht | Accounting Concepts                                |
    | Manz     | Leadership Wisdom of Jesus                         |
    | Marakas  | Management Info Systems,Management Info Systems    |
    | Miller   | Business Law Today                                 |
    | Speight  | Shaping Space,Art Since 1940                       |
    | Stice    | Intermediate Accounting                            |
    | Stokstad | Make it in Clay,Art History Vol II & ala carte lab |
    | Upton    | Everything You Ever Wanted to Know                 |
    | Vilppu   | Photography                                        |
    | Williams | Management                                         |
    | Zelanshi | Drawing Manual Vilppu,TBA                          |
  3. Which will show the postalcodes and amount of borrowers on that postalcode area (borrower table). Results should be like this
    | postalcode | amount of borrowers |
    | 90100      |                   4 |
    | 90101      |                   4 |
    | 90102      |                   4 |
    | 90103      |                   4 |
    | 90104      |                   4 |

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