Database Exercises
Referential Integity
  1. Create a database named integrity_example
  2. Create a table named customer with below code
    CREATE TABLE customer(
        idCustomer INT PRIMARY KEY,
        customerName VARCHAR(255)
  3. Create a table named product with below code
    CREATE TABLE product(
        idProduct INT PRIMARY KEY,
        productName VARCHAR(50),
        customerId INT,
        CONSTRAINT customer_product
            FOREIGN KEY(customerId) REFERENCES customer(idCustomer) 
  4. Add two customers with the code
    INSERT INTO customer VALUES(1,'Jim Jones');
    INSERT INTO customer VALUES(2,'Ann Smith');
  5. Add two products with below code
    INSERT INTO product VALUES(1,'Mobile phone',1);
    INSERT INTO product VALUES(2,'Laptop',2);
    Check that you managed to add the data.
  6. Try to add a product with the code
    INSERT INTO product VALUES(3,'Laptop',3);
    You didn't managed to add the last product. What is the reason?
  7. Update the id of Jim Jones with below code
    UPDATE customer set idCustomer=100 WHERE idCustomer=1;
  8. Check the data of table customer and table product. Note the idProduct values
  9. Try to delete Jim Jones with the command
    DELETE FROM customer WHERE idCustomer=100;
    You didn't managed to add the last product. What is the reason?
  10. Update the referential integrity rule with below code
    ALTER TABLE product DROP CONSTRAINT customer_product;
    ALTER TABLE product ADD CONSTRAINT customer_product
    FOREIGN KEY(customerId) REFERENCES customer(idCustomer) 
  11. Try again to delete Jim Jones with the code
    DELETE FROM customer WHERE idCustomer=100;
  12. Check the data from both tables. The product Moblie phone should have been deleted.

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