REST API with Express.js

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Before Node.js JavaScript was only used in the client-side, but now with Node.js it is possible to use JavaScript also in the server-side. You can download Node.js from the page

As an asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime, Node is designed to build scalable network applications.

Example make a folder and add a file named server.js inside that folder. Then add below code to the server.js file

  const http = require('http');

  const hostname = '';
  const port = 3000;

  const server = http.createServer(
      function (req, res) {
          res.statusCode = 200;
          res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain');
          res.end('Hello World\n');

  server.listen(port, hostname, 
      function() {
          console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`);
Then inside the folder give a command node server.js and then with your browser navigate to url localhost:3000. So now you have a simple "web-server".

If you just close the terminal, the server is still running and you can not restart it. In this case, you can shut the server like this

    Open Terminal and execute command 
    netstat -ano | find "3000"

    Check The PID number and execute command 
    taskkill /F /PID number

Note! You can stop the server byt pressing CTRL+C, in the terminal.


npm is a package manager for the JavaScript programming language. It is the default package manager for the JavaScript runtime environment Node.js. When you install Node.js you will get also npm.

You can manage locally installed npm packages with the package.json file.

Create a folder named test and inside that folder give a command npm init and if you just press ENTER to all questions, you will have below package.json file

      "name": "test",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "description": "",
      "main": "index.js",
      "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
      "author": "",
      "license": "ISC"
Then if you example would like to use MySQL in your application, you can add below lines to package.json
    "dependencies": {
        "mysql2": "^3.6.2"
Then you have to execute command npm install. Now npm reads the package.json file and installs all the packages which are mentioned in the file.

Instead of writing to the the package.json file, you can also execute command npm install mysql2. Now npm installs the package and writes also the needed lines to package.json.


Volta is a tool which you can use to manage JavaScript command-line tools like node and npm. You can download it from

You can install several versions of node.js and here are some examples about the commands

  1. volta install node@lts # install latest lts version
  2. volta install node@16.9.0 # install specific version 16.9.0
  3. volta install node@12 # install the latest v12 release
And you can check which versions you have installed with the command
volta list node

If you want to set your project to use a node version which is not your default, you can set it by executing below command inside your project folder
volta pin node@16.14.0 (version 16.14.0 is just an example)


Express.js is a backend web application framework for Node.js. Express is designed for building web applications and APIs. Express provides various features that make web application development fast and easy which otherwise takes more time using only Node.js.

You can read the basic things about Express from this webpage

And you can read about middlewares from this page


Routing refers to determining how an application responds to a client request to a particular endpoint, which is a URI (or path) and a specific HTTP request method (GET, POST, and so on)

Here is an example about a route for GET method

        response.send('I am example');
        console.log('I am example');
The first parameter (/example) is the route and the function is the callback. And the url might be something like http://localhost:3000/example. If you add parameters after the route like this
        response.send('Hello ';
Then you have to send the request like this http://localhost:3000/example/Jim

And if you need to use two parameters in GET-request, you can use this syntax

    function(request, response){
        response.send('Hello '+request.params.firstName+" "+request.params.lastName);
Then you can send the request like this http://localhost:3000/example2/Jim/Jones

And also you can use below syntax for two parameters GET-request
    function(request, response){
       response.send('Hello '+request.params.firstName+" "+request.params.lastName);
Then you can send the request like this http://localhost:3000/example2/Jim&Jones

Here is an example about route for POST method'/',
Above function will response with the same data that you send inside the HTTP body.


Middleware functions are executed after every incoming request. Below is an example about middleware function

        console.log('The common middleware called');
So, below middleware is executed after every request to every routes. You can also add a path to the middleware.
        console.log('The example middleware called');
So, the above middleware is executed when request to path example comes.

The next function is a function in the Express router which is used to execute the other middleware functions succeeding the current middleware.

SQL Queries

In this example we will use MySQL and we can create a file named database.js with below code

const mysql = require('mysql2');
const connection = mysql.createPool({
  host: 'localhost',
  user: 'netuser',
  password: 'netpass',
  database: 'netdb'
module.exports = connection;

Here is an example about endpoint which will return the name of a book based on the id given in the htpp-request.

const db = require('../database');

 function(request, response) {
  db.query('select name from book where id_book=?', [], 
    function (err, dbResult){
      if (err) {
      } else {
In above code we created an object named db, which we can use for the queries.

Here is the same example, where the database query is separated to it's own function named getById

const db = require('../database');

 function(request, response) {
      function(err, dbResult) {
        if (err) {
        } else {

const getById = function(id, callback) {
  return db.query('select name from book where id_book=?', [id], callback);
The function getById has two parameters: id and callback. And in the example, we will send these arguments
  •, this will be the id in getById
  • the anonymous function, this will be callback in getById
query is a method of mysql2-module, which will take two arguments
  • SQL-code
  • function which will be called after the query is ready
So, after the query is ready the results will be saved to the variable dbResult. And you can use any name instead dbResult.

You can read more details about the node.js driver for mysql2 from

Response format

You can choose to send the response as a JSON array or as a JSON object or as a string.

Example you have made this kind of SQL-query
select CONCAT(fname," ",lname) AS fullname from person where id_person=6.
Then you can choose which kind of response to send.


Then the response is a JSON array like this:
        "fullname": "Jim Smith"

Then the response is a JSON object like this:

    "fullname": "Jim Smith"

Then the response is a string like this:

"Jim Smith"

Then the response is a string like this:

Jim Smith


Node.js, being an asynchronous runtime environment, relies heavily on non-blocking operations to handle I/O. Traditionally, callbacks were used for asynchronous tasks, but this often led to "callback hell." Modern JavaScript introduces Promises and async/await to write cleaner, more readable asynchronous code.

async and await are JavaScript keywords that simplify working with Promises. They enable you to write asynchronous code in a synchronous-looking style, making it easier to read and maintain.

How Does It Work?
  • async: Declares a function as asynchronous and ensures it always returns a Promise.
  • await: Pauses the execution of an async function until the awaited Promise resolves or rejects.

Here is an example of using async/await to fetch data:

const fetchData = async () => {
    try {
        const response = await fetch('');
        const data = await response.json();
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

Key Benefits
  • Improved readability and maintainability.
  • Eliminates "callback hell."
  • Error handling with try/catch simplifies debugging.

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